
Dan has joined the Tech Team @ Complete Water Solutions

Complete Water Solutions is excited to announce Dan has joined the Tech Team. Prior to Complete Water Solutions, Dan worked in the food industry. His skill and dedication to getting the job done are already making an impact here at Complete Water Solutions. We are excited to have Dan as part of the team. Help [...]

Complete Water Solutions Rockstar Award Recipient Tina

At Complete Water Solutions one of our core values is   We Work Hard & Reward Hard Work – We will celebrate the hard work of individuals and teams.   We like to recognize Tina for earning the Rockstar Award. Tina has gone above and beyond to help our customers with their water treatment needs. All [...]

RO Membrane Housing End Cap Removal (Industrial Reverse Osmosis)

Membrane End Cap Removal Video Reverse Osmosis Membrane Housing End Cap Removal Complete Water Solutions covers Industrial RO membrane housing end cap removal and replacement. This video covers Wave Cyber 8" RO Housing End Cap and Maintenance Items. Some of the topics include Shimming The RO End Cap Adapter Replacement Of The RO End Cap [...]

Before You Purchase an Industrial RO System: Spare Parts & Consumables

When it comes to purchasing an Industrial Reverse Osmosis (RO) System, it’s best to take some time and do your research. Here at Complete Water Solutions, we want to help educate our customers on the best decisions for their business.  Something that is commonly looked over and missed in our industry is having spare parts […]

Complete Water Solutions Welcomes Deona To The Team

Deona has joined our Office Team Complete Water Solutions Welcomes Deona To The Office Team Complete Water Solutions is excited to announce Deona has joined our Office Team. If you have called Complete Water Solutions recently you might have already had an interaction with Deona. Prior to Complete Water Solutions, Deona was with another company [...]

Discontinued Membranes

Today Veolia (Formerly Veolia Water Technologies) announced that they will be discontinuing some of their spiral wound membranes. Complete Water Solutions has put together a table below of the membranes that are being discontinued. Some of them will have suggested replacement models in the notes section. Some of the membranes may not have a direct [...]

Complete Water Solutions Welcomes Cindy To The Team

Cindy has joined our Inside Sales Team Complete Water Solutions Welcomes Cindy To Inside Sales Team Complete Water Solutions is excited to announce Cindy has joined our Inside Sales Team. Prior to Complete Water Solutions, Cindy was with another company helping customers with parts and components for the auto industry. Cindy has already been instrumental [...]

Water Treatment Inside Technical Sales – Josh L.

Complete Water Solutions is excited to announce the promotion of Josh to the sales team as our new Inside Technical Sales Specialist. In the past 2 years, Josh has accomplished great things in our Tech Services Team. He has installed & serviced many different types of water treatment equipment for various industries. Josh is also [...]

Before You Purchase an Industrial RO System: Pre-Treatment

If you're looking to purchase an Industrial Reverse Osmosis (RO) System, there are quite a few things you need to think through.  At Complete Water Solutions, our goal is to come alongside you as a partner and help you make the best decisions for your business when it comes to your RO system. After you've [...]

Before You Purchase an Industrial RO System: Sizing the System Appropriately

If you're looking to purchase an Industrial Reverse Osmosis (RO) System, there are a number of things you should be aware of.  At Complete Water Solutions, our goal is to come alongside you as a partner and help you make the best decisions for your business when it comes to your RO system. After you've [...]

Before You Purchase an Industrial RO System: Feed Water Testing

Before You Purchase an Industrial RO System: Feed Water Testing Feed water quality is one of the most important parts of designing a system. A full water analysis is the best way to help in identifying not only what you will need in the way of pre-treatment equipment, but also to help estimate the water [...]

Complete Water Solutions Rockstar Award

At Complete Water Solutions one of our core values is   We Work Hard & Reward Hard Work – We will celebrate the hard work of individuals and teams.   We like to recognize Keith H. and Trent J. for earning the Rockstar Award. They have gone above and beyond to help our customers with their [...]

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