Complete Water Solutions is closely monitoring the situation in regards to COVID-19 and this plan may be updated or changed based on the recommendations from the CDC.

How Germs Spread

Washing hands can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections from one person to the next. Germs can spread from other people or surfaces when you:

  • Touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Prepare or eat food and drinks with unwashed hands
  • Touch a contaminated surface or objects
  • Blow your nose, cough, or sneeze into hands and then touch other people’s hands or common objects



Complete Water Solutions has increased housekeeping measures to help mitigate the spread of germs. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Cleaning Of Hard Surfaces and High Traffic Surfaces
  • Extra Cleaning Of Door Handles, Faucets And Lavatory Locations
  • Cleaning Of Service Trucks Interior And Exterior Surfaces
  • Cleaning Of Service Vehicle High Touch Points


Field Service Team

Complete Water Solutions field service team has increased measures to help protect our team members and customers. The following items have been implemented:

  • Wipe Down Vehicle High Touch Points – Such As Door Handles, Steering Wheels, Tools, Turn Signals, etc.
  • Wear Gloves – Service Technicians wear gloves during when onsite and will remove and dispose gloves anytime leaving the site.
  • Washing Hands – Field Service Technicians have increased hand washing and is performed more frequently throughout the job.
  • Hand Shaking – Complete Water Solutions field service team has been notified to suspend all customer hand shaking at this time.


Personal Hygiene

Complete Water Solutions has increased the request of personal hygiene to wash hands more frequently per the CDC. Washing hands more frequently includes but is not limited to the following functions:

  • Handling Boxes Or Packages
  • Working with materials
  • Restroom
  • Consuming Food Or Beverages
  • Door Handles Or Surfaces
  • Cell Phone Use
  • Other Uncontrolled environments
  • Sneezing Or Coughing


Illness Or Exposure To Covid-19

Complete Water Solutions is continuing to monitor the CDC for continuing support and instructions for Illness or Exposure to Someone Who Has or Had Covid-19. The following implementations are in place:

Regardless of vaccination status, you should isolate from others when you have COVID-19.

You should also isolate if you are sick and suspect that you have COVID-19 but do not yet have test results. If your results are positive, follow the full isolation recommendations below. If your results are negative, you can end your isolation.

IF YOU TEST Negative, You can end your isolation

IF YOU TEST Positive, Follow the full isolation recommendations below:

When you have COVID-19, isolation is counted in days, as follows:

If you had no symptoms

  • Day 0 is the day you were tested (not the day you received your positive test result)
  • Day 1 is the first full day following the day you were tested
  • If you develop symptoms within 10 days of when you were tested, the clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset

If you had symptoms

  • Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when you tested positive
  • Day 1 is the first full day after the day your symptoms started

If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home.

End isolation based on how serious your COVID-19 symptoms were. Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.

If you had no symptoms You may end isolation after day 5.

If you had symptoms and:

Your symptoms are improving

You may end isolation after day 5 if:

  • You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).

Your symptoms are not improving

Continue to isolate until:

  • You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
  • Your symptoms are improving. 1

If you had symptoms and had:

Moderate illness (you experienced shortness of breath or had difficulty breathing)

You need to isolate through day 10.

Severe illness (you were hospitalized) or have a weakened immune system

  • You need to isolate through day 10.
  • Consult your doctor before ending isolation.
  • Ending isolation without a viral test may not be an option for you.

Regardless of when you end isolation

Until at least day 11:

  • Avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19.
  • Remember to wear a high-quality mask when indoors around others at home and in public.
  • Do not go places where you are unable to wear a mask until you are able to discontinue masking (see below).

Removing Your Mask

After you have ended isolation, when you are feeling better (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms improving),

  • Wear your mask through day 10.


  • If you have access to antigen tests, you should consider using them. With two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart, you may remove your mask sooner than day 10.

After you have ended isolation, if your COVID-19 symptoms recur or worsen, restart your isolation at day 0. Talk to a healthcare provider if you have questions about your symptoms or when to end isolation.

After Being Exposed to COVID-19


Immediately Wear a mask as soon as you find out you were exposed

Start counting from Day 1

  • Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19
  • Day 1 is the first full day after your last exposure


10 Full Days

You can still develop COVID-19 up to 10 days after you have been exposed

Take Precautions

Wear a high-quality mask or respirator (e.g., N95) any time you are around others inside your home or indoors in public

Take extra precautions if you will be around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19.

Watch for symptoms

  • fever (100.4°F or greater)
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • other COVID-19 symptoms

If you develop symptoms

  • isolate immediately
  • get tested
  • stay home until you know the result

If your test result is positive, follow the isolation recommendations.


Day 6

Get tested at least 5 full days after your last exposure

Test even if you don’t develop symptoms.

If you already had COVID-19 within the past 90 days, see specific testing recommendations.



Continue taking precautions through day 10

  • Wear a high-quality mask when around others at home and indoors in public

You can still develop COVID-19 up to 10 days after you have been exposed.



Isolate immediately

Additionally, CWS Response Team Lead by Emily Olszak will begin to implement additional sanitization of all work area and surfaces of the areas where that team member has worked or come in contact with.

Complete Water Solutions will also perform a timeline to identify all persons the CWS Team Member has been in contact with and all persons will be notified.

This response plan may be changed without notices as further CDC guidelines are asked or recommended to be implemented.

Should you have any questions please contact:

Nathan Olszak


(855) 787-4200

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