Switch From DI to Reverse Osmosis For Boiler Feed Water
Project Scope:
Complete Water Solutions was asked to provide a turnkey solution to replace the DI Water System. The current system consisted of Cation & Anion separate bed Deionization. The new system needed to provide low conductivity, hardness water @ 60 GPM Flow Rate.
Why Switch From Deionized Water to Reverse Osmosis?
Every situation is different but in this particular situation the existing separate bed DI water system was original and was beginning to show major signs of wear and tear. The tank lining was starting to rot away, the chemical storage tanks were starting to show signs of needing to be replacement. The existing DI water system needs both caustic and acid to regenerate, the byproduct of the Acid and Caustic regeneration is waste water that needs further neutralization. Also there is the safety hazard with handling and storage of the chemical solution.
What Are The Benefits Switching From Deionization To Reverse Osmosis?
Since the DI System was going to need replacement the option to switch to Reverse Osmosis made economical sense. While the benefits can vary in every application, the benefits for this application were:
- Reduction In Chemical Usage
- Reduction In Chemical Waste
- Elimination Of Chemical Usage (Acid & Caustic)
- Elimination Of Safety Risks & Hazards with Hazardous Chemical
- Elimination Of Environmental Risks Involved with Hazardous Chemicals
- 4 Hour Regeneration Eliminated
- No Neutralization Of Waste
What Was Selected And Installed:
Complete Water Solutions designed and engineered a solution which consisted of:
- Ecowater Triplex Carbon Filtration System EWS302CS
- Antiscalant System – Fed prior to reverse osmosis system
- Veolia E8-86K-DLX Reverse Osmosis System w/ Allen-Bradley PLC
- Reverse Osmosis CIP System
- Ecowater Duplex Polishing Softener System EWS452
- The reverse osmosis system was fitted with AK8040-400 Cold Water Reverse Osmosis Elements.
- The RO System provided 5 Microsiemens Water with 1 PPM Hardness.
- The polishing softeners removed the remainder of the hardness.
In many applications, the softener might be installed prior to the RO System. This installation allows you to remove hardness prior to the RO System also eliminating the need for Antiscalant. It can also potentially reduce the number or RO membrane cleanings required. In this application, we selected to do post softening. Post softening was selected in this application due to the blended feed water source also the benefit of minimal softener regenerations was beneficial for this particular client.
To Learn More About Reverse Osmosis or how we can help design and install your system call us toll-free at (855) 787-4200 or email info@complete-water.com

28 Years Of Water Treatment Equipment Experience. I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn from the ground up. Starting in the water treatment field as a service technician. Servicing all major brands of water treatment equipment. Give Us A Call (855) 787-4200 or Email info@complete-water.com