How To Rebuild Industrial Softener & Resin Replacement

How To Rebuild Industrial Softener, industrial water softener maintenance

In this post, we dive into how to rebuild industrial softener valves and replace the resin. Complete Water Solutions worked on rebuilding the valves. These valves are diaphragm valves manufactured by AQ Matic also known as Aquamatic. The 2 valves on this unit were 428 Valve (4″) and 424 (1.5″) Valve. When rebuilding these valves we recommend replacing both the rubber and the metals kit. The kits are separate and end in RA (rubber kit) or RF (Metals kit). The old metals kits were all brass. They have since been upgraded to primarily stainless steel.

The 4 different kits that were used for this job were

424-RA   1070069  (click for drawing of Aquamatic 424 Valve)

424-RF  1070119  (click for drawing of Aquamatic 424 Valve)

428-RA  1070073  (click for drawing of Aquamatic 428 Valve)

428-RF    1070123  (click for drawing of Aquamatic 428 Valve)

After rebuilding the valves we began the task of replacing the resin. The resin had been previously tested and showed signs of heavy oxidation and it was recommended to replace the resin by the lab. Complete Water Solutions supplied and installed C110DQ(NA) . This resin was selected as it has a higher cross-link.

What is Crosslink?

Crosslink refers to the strands (think of it as strings) that hold the resin together. This crosslinking wears out over time from backwashing, chlorine (oxidation), and swelling. Standard cation softener resin is typically 8% crosslink. The C110 resin is 10% crosslink resin. What this means is that the resin has more strands holding it together. Those additional strands hold the resin together a little bit longer. We recommend using 10% crosslink resin on chlorinated waters. Today the cost difference between the 2 reasons is not much.

Once the resin is replaced Complete Water Solutions will take the old resin off-site site, start the system up and check all operations.

If you need valve rebuild service or resin replacement Contact Complete Water Solutions Service Team

(855) 787-4200

About The Author

Nathan Olszak
28 Years Of Water Treatment Equipment Experience. I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn from the ground up. Starting in the water treatment field as a service technician. Servicing all major brands of water treatment equipment. Give Us A Call (855) 787-4200 or Email

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