Habitat For Humanity Kenosha & Complete Water Solutions


Complete Water Solutions was given an opportunity to carry out one of our core values by volunteering at Habitat For Humanity – Kenosha WI. The entire team volunteered to help with a home that is currently in the finishing stages. We were honored with the opportunity to serve the local community. We learned a lot about Habitat For Humanity and their mission.

To Learn More About Habitat For Humanity (Click Here)  

To Donate To Habitat For Humanity (Click Here) 

If you donate to Habitat For Humanity let us know we will send you a Complete Water Solutions Coffee Mug 🙂    info@complete-water.com 


** Free Coffee Mug While Supplies Last ***

About The Author

Nathan Olszak
28 Year Of Water Treatment Equipment Experience. I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn from the ground up. Starting in the water treatment field as a service technician. Servicing all major brands of water treatment equipment. Give Us A Call (855) 787-4200 or Email info@complete-water.com

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