AP Series

February 18, 2020 - Nathan Olszak

AP Series

Extreme Low Pressure Brackish Water RO Elements

The A-Series family of proprietary thin-film reverse osmosis membrane is characterized by high flux and relatively high sodium chloride rejection. AP brackish water elements are selected when extreme high flow and ultra-low operating pressures are desired.

The AP membrane element is designed specifically to operate at low energy high flow applications for beverage, light commercial, residential and general industrial applications.


Membrane Thin-film membrane (TFM*)

Model Average permeate flow gpd (3/day)1,2 Average NaCl rejection1,2 Minimum NaCl rejection1,2
AP-90 2,500 (9.5) 95% 92%
AP-365 10,000 (37.9) 95% 92%
AP-400 11,000 (41.6) 95% 92%

1 Average salt rejection after 24 hours operation. Individual flow rate may vary +/-20%.
2 Testing conditions: 500ppm NaCl solution at 75 psi (520kPa) operating pressure, 77°F (25°C), pH7 and 15% recovery.

Model Active area ft2 (m2) Outer Wrap Part Number
AP-90 90 (8.4) Fiberglass 3063034
AP-365 365 (33.9) Fiberglass 3056613
AP-400 400 (37.1) Fiberglass 3134276
Figure 1: Element Dimensions Diagram – Male
Figure 2: Element Dimensions Diagram – Female


Typical Operating Pressure 70 psi (483 kPa gage)
Typical Operating Flux 10-20GFD (17-34LMH)
Maximum Operating Pressure 200 psi (1380 kPa gage)
Maximum Temperature Continuous operation: 122°F (50°C) Clean-In-Place (CIP): 122°F (50°C)
pH range Optimum rejection: 7.0-7.5, Continuous operation: 4.0-11.0, Clean-In-Place (CIP): 1.0 – 13.01
Maximum Pressure Drop Over an element: 12 psi (83 kPa) Per housing: 50 psi (345 kPa)
Chlorine Tolerance 1,000+ ppm-hours, dechlorination recommended
Feedwater2 NTU <1 SDI < 5

1Please refer to Cleaning Guidelines Technical Bulletin TB1194
2SDI is measured on a non-linear scale using a 0.45 micron filter paper. Additionally, finer colloids, particulates and microorganisms that pass through the filter paper and not measured in the SDI test, will potentially foul the RO element. For performance consistency and project warranty, please use Winflows projection software and consult your GE representative.


Model Type A B1 C Bpxed Weight lbs (kgs)
AP-90 Male 40.0 (101.6) 0.75 (1.90) 3.9 (9.9) 9 (4)
AP-365 Female 40.0 (101.6) 1.125 (2.86) 7.9 (20.1) 35 (16)
AP-400 Female 40.0 (101.6) 1.125 (2.86) 7.9 (20.1) 35 (16)


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