Veolia – Pleated Filter Cartridges – Memtrex PC – MPC922AAS 20.094″

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Description and Use
Memtrex PC (MPC) filters’ unique polycarbonate track-etch membrane leads the market for precise filtration, broad chemical compatibility, and fast conductivity and TOC rinse-down in ultrapure water systems. MPC filters’ precise micron cutoffs and very low pore sizes down to 0.05 micron provide you with high purity filtration for all of your critical electronic, chemical, and highly technical processes.

Typical Applications
Memtrex PC filters are specifically designed for ultrapure filtration. Typical applications include:
• Pure Chemical Filtration
• Inks and Dyes
• Ultrapure Water Filtration
• Plating Solutions




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Manufacturer Veolia
Series Memtrex PC
Model Number MPC922AAS 20.094"
Part Number 1188021
Description Type - MPC
Micron Rating (absolute) - 92 = 0.2 μm
Cartridge Length - 2 = 20 in (51 cm)
End # 1 Adapter - A = Open End Gasket
End # 2 Adapter - A = Open End Gasket
Elastomer Material - S = Silicone

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