Veolia – Pleated Filter Cartridges – Memtrex KM – MKM921AAE 10.024″

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Description and Use

Memtrex KM (MKM) filters are uniquely constructed for superior performance with Veolia’s Nylon 66 membrane. MKM filters utilize all polypropylene construction to assure chemical compatibility and applicability to the widest range of applications.

MKM filters are designed to ensure maximum downstream cleanliness. Veolia Nylon 66 membranes are naturally hydrophilic, non-shedding and do not contain leachable wetting agents. Thermoplastic sealing technologies are used in the cartridge construction, eliminating the need for potentially contaminating adhesives. Each cartridge is manufactured under strict production control and is individually integrity tested. Veolia is your complete source for filters, crossflow membranes, housings and other filtration equipment.

Typical Applications

MKM filters have excellent chemical compatibility making them the ideal choice for a broad range of applications such as high purity water, strong solvents, photoresists and other critical process fluid systems.

Typical applications include:

  • Microelectronics ultrapure water filtration
  • Filtration of positive photoresists
  • Filtration of organic solvents


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Manufacturer Veolia
Series Memtrex KM
Model Number MKM921AAE 10.024"
Part Number 1186477
Description Type - MKM
Micron Rating (absolute) - 92 = 0.2 μm
Cartridge Length - 1 = 10 in (25 cm)
End # 1 Adapter - A = Open End Gasket
End # 2 Adapter - A = Open End Gasket
Elastomer Material - E = EPDM

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