Veolia Pleated Filter Cartridges | Memtrex HFE | MHFE012EGT-E 20.54″

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Memtrex* HFE are made entirely from fluoropolymer materials including Halar (ECTFE). Halar is a trademark of Ausimont.), and PTFE. Halar is an industrial-grade fluoropolymer with excellent solvent resistance. MHFE benefits of the edge lamination technology assuring a lower pressure drop and increasing flow rate. MHFE filters can withstand the harshest process conditions due to its construction using these highly resistant materials. Providing broad chemical compatibility, you can count on our filters to produce consistent, uniform process streams in your most demanding filtration applications. MHFE deliver high flow rates and high purity results with absolute rated efficiencies (99.9% filtration efficiency at rated pore size based on ASTM F795 and F661 test methods) and retention characteristics that outperform other filters.

Typical Applications
MHFE all fluoropolymer filters offer outstanding performance in extremely harsh chemical environments. MHFE filters are manufactured and packaged in a cleanroom environment for assured cleanliness.

Typical applications include:
• Chemicals
• Microelectronics
• Pharmaceuticals


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Manufacturer Veolia
Series Memtrex HFE
Model Number MHFE012EGT-E 20.54"
Part Number 3158483
Description Type - MHFE
Micron Rating (absolute) - 01
Cartridge Length - 2 = 20 in (51 cm)
End # 1 Adapter - E = 222 O-Ring
End # 2 Adapter - G = Closed End Cap
Elastomer Material - T = Teflon Encapsulated Viton

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