Veolia – Pleated Filter Cartridges – Memtrex PC – MPC943EHV 32.15″

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Description and Use
Memtrex PC (MPC) filters’ unique polycarbonate track-etch membrane leads the market for precise filtration, broad chemical compatibility, and fast conductivity and TOC rinse-down in ultrapure water systems. MPC filters’ precise micron cutoffs and very low pore sizes down to 0.05 micron provide you with high purity filtration for all of your critical electronic, chemical, and highly technical processes.

The MPC filter is just one example of our strong commitment to fluid filtration. Whether you require an integrated solution or a single component for a specific application, look to Veolia first. From one end of the filtration spectrum to the other, Veolia has a total commitment to fluid purity. Veolia is your complete source for filters, crossflow membranes, housings, and other filtration equipment.

Typical Applications
Memtrex PC filters are specifically designed for ultrapure filtration. Typical applications include:

  • Pure Chemical Filtration
  • Inks and Dyes
  • Ultrapure Water Filtration
  • Plating Solutions