Veolia – Pleated Filter Cartridges – Memtrex FE – MFE924EHS 42.09″

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Description and Use
Memtrex FE (MFE) filters, with absolute rated PTFE membranes offer broad chemical compatibility with minimal extractables in a wide range of fluids and applications. The inherently hydrophobic PTFE membrane is ideally suited for the filtration of compressed air and other process gases. Constructed in a clean room environment using thermal welding techniques, the MFE filters do not contain any adhesives or additives. As part of the manufacturing process, the MFE filters are individually integrity tested. The effectiveness and purity of your filtration process is preserved.

Typical Applications
MFE filters offer exceptional filtration characteristics, including reliable particle retention, and high purity in harsh process conditions. Typical applications include filtration of:
• Aggressive solvents such as alcohols, esters and ketones
• Corrosive acids and bases
• Vents/exhausts for autoclaves, fermenters, and storage tanks
• High purity chemicals and water used in electronics manufacturing


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Manufacturer Veolia
Series Memtrex FE
Model Number MFE924EHS 42.09"
Part Number 1187734
Description Type - MFE
Micron Rating (absolute) - 92 = 0.2 μm
Cartridge Length - 4 = 40 in (102 cm)
End # 1 Adapter - E = 222 O-Ring
End # 2 Adapter - H = Fin Adapter
Elastomer Material - S = Silicone

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