Description and Use
Our commitment to validation is based upon the FDA Guidelines that we establish documented evidence of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specification and quality attributes. Memtrex MP-S filters (Figure 1) are designed for final sterile filtration of biological and pharmaceutical products. The double-layer PES membrane provides low protein-binding, high throughput and broad chemical compatibility for your critical filtration processes.
A detailed Validation Guide is available from Veolia to document our rigorous testing for your records and reviews. The guide includes all the data necessary to assist the user regulatory requirements.
The Memtrex MP-S filter is just one example of our strong commitment to the pharmaceutical industry. Our complete portfolio includes filters for every stage of processing, and we offer custom solutions for your unique applications. Veolia is your complete source for filters, crossflow membranes, housings, and other filtration equipment.
Typical Applications
Memtrex MP-S filters are specifically designed for sterile filtration of pharmaceutical and biological products. Typical applications include:
• Final Filtration of Drugs and Biologicals
• Final Filtration of Water for Injection
• Final Filtration of Pure Water for Dialysis
• LVPs, SVPs
• Diagnostics
• Tissue Culture Media
• Vaccines