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Veolia – Pleated Filter Cartridges – Flotrex AP – FAP053FHS 32.13″

Description and use
Constructed with gradient density thermally-bonded polypropylene microfiber media, absolute-rated Flotrex AP (FAP) filters (Figure 1) combine exceptional solids-holding capacities with precise micron retention ratings. The FAP filters are constructed of FDA acceptable high-purity polypropylene.
FAP filters are absolute-rated for air, gas, and liquid filtration with low pressure drop across the wide range of 0.65 to 40 microns. Sheets of melt-blown media are layered to provide absolute particle retention, high solids loading, and long service life.

Typical Applications
Typical Flotrex AP filtration applications include:
• Prefiltration and Final Chemical Filtration – broad chemical compatibility
• Prefiltration of Pharmaceuticals and Biological Fluids – dependable protection for final filters
• High Throughput for Beer Filtration

General Properties
Flotrex AP filters are available the following absolute pore size micron ratings: 0.65, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 40 µm. Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 show further details on materials of construction, dimensions, operational limits, and flow performance in air and water.

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