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Hydranautics Nitto – RO Membranes – Composite Polyamide – CPA5 – CPA5-LD-4040

Ultrapure water is essential in several industrial applications. CPA RO membranes are regarded as the industry standard for all critical high purity applications – from pharmaceutical to power industry.

CPA lines of spiral-wound RO membranes are available in a variety of sizes and deliver unmatched performance with the highest salt rejection rates for brackish water applications. High throughput, efficiency and cost-effectiveness make CPA membranes the best high-rejection brackish water RO membranes in the industry.

Because of its exceptionally high salt rejection, CPA membranes are used in power generation, pharmaceutical, electronics and semiconductor industry.

CPA5-LD is the fourth generation CPA high rejection brackish water RO membrane. This 400 sq. ft. membrane with 99.7% rejection was an upgrade to the CPA3 membrane as it is designed with Low Differential Pressure LDTM. It offers the improved rejection of all ions including silica and nitrates.

CPA5-LD membranes use a patented 34 mil thickness feed spacer that increases effectiveness of membrane cleaning.

As a result, the CPA5-LD membrane does not need to be cleaned frequently – thus reducing treatment cost – while offering extreme durability and consistent performance.

CPA5-LD membrane is available in diameters of 4.0 and 8.0 inches and the CPA5-MAX membrane is available in 8.0 inch diameter.





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