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Veolia RO Membranes | Dairy AP Series | AP3838C30

Veolia Dairy Membrane

The A-Series family of proprietary thin film reverse osmosis membrane elements is characterized by high flux and relatively high sodium chloride rejection. Dairy AP elements are selected when small size organics (<150D) need to permeate through the membrane while retaining salts and larger organics, in a low-pressure operation.

The Dairy AP elements feature a Durasan* Cage patented outerwrap, standard feedspacers and polysulfone parts. These elements comply with the USDA guidelines for the sanitary design and fabrication of dairy processing equipment or applicable 3A sanitary standards. Applications include whey and milk protein concentration, lactose recovery as well as wine dealcoholization.

The Dairy AP elements comply with:
• FDA Regulations relevant sections of 21CFR
• EU Framework 1935/2004/EC

Typical Operating Pressure: 100-400psi (689-2,758kPa)
Typical Operating Flux: 5-20 GFD (8-34 LMH)
Maximum Operating Pressure: 600psi (4,137kPa)
Maximum Permeate Pressure: 60 psi (413 kPa)
Maximum Temperature: 122°F (50°C)
pH Range: 2.0-11.0
Maximum Pressure Drop:

Over an element: 15psi (103kPa)
Per housing: 60psi (414kPa)

CIP limits for RO elements:

Temperature: 50°C (122°F)

pH minimum: 2.0

pH maximum: 11.5

Chlorine Tolerance: 1000 ppm-hours dechlorination recommended

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